Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Know where to go...

As a NYS Regent's Chemistry study you are entitled to a NYS Chemistry Reference table on all your tests, including the Regents exam. It would probably be a good idea to familiarize yourself with its contents. For our graphing assignment, you will need 3 pages of the reference table. Below are links to the NYS Refernce Tables for Chemistry, if you happened to lose yours. By the way, you should not lose your reference table.

Reference Table:
pg 1-7
Periodic Table (pg 8-9)
pg 10-12

Monday, October 29, 2007

Periodic Table Trends

In class we are learning about the Periodic Table. It is one of my favorite units. I have always been amazed at how all the elements in the world can be arranged so neatly into a such a small organized space. The placement of an element on the periodic table can tell us loads of information. In fact, Dimitri Mendeleev, the creator of the periodic table, was able to predict almost perfectly the properties of several elements that had not even been discovered at that time! We are going to use excel to determine some of the trends, or organizational patterns, of the periodic table. Instructions can be found in the link: Graphing the Periodic Table. We will be using Mocrosoft Excel to graph our data. Please feel free to listen to the podcast for instructions on how to best create a graph using this program. There is also a link which corresponds to the podcast and gives visual instructions.


Graphing the PT

Excel instructions visual