Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Know where to go...

As a NYS Regent's Chemistry study you are entitled to a NYS Chemistry Reference table on all your tests, including the Regents exam. It would probably be a good idea to familiarize yourself with its contents. For our graphing assignment, you will need 3 pages of the reference table. Below are links to the NYS Refernce Tables for Chemistry, if you happened to lose yours. By the way, you should not lose your reference table.

Reference Table:
pg 1-7
Periodic Table (pg 8-9)
pg 10-12


E. M. Wolff said...

Well done! I liked your easily accessible links. You have the start of a useful blog :)-Edward

RossWebb said...

I like the easily accessible references. My students prefer not to take home a book unless they have to, so a quick reference guide like this would be helpful. So often it is an inconvenience to have to look up this information. By placing the tables on your blog you are inviting your students to use the site. I like the idea of having the guides on your site.

Bryan Reed said...

Excellently done. I too like the header, it really draws attention to itself. Your podcast is clear and easy to understand. I think that it would be helpful to include copies of all the rubrics that you mention in the podcast available on the blog, or a link to somewhere else it can be found online, for easy reference.

potassium cyanide said...

Bryan: There are links below the podcast badge to the visual tutorial and the assignment.